Friday, November 29, 2013

[Japan] Gothic Lolita Battle Bear Trailer is Full of Crazy

Though, really, what would you expect from the director of The Machine Girl and Robo Geisha? Well, it seems that this time around Noboru Igushi has taken sights on the Goth Loli end of things and completely turned it upside down in the only way he knows how. Possessed bears, lasers shooting from breasts and zombies. Looks like a drug infused bender if I ever saw one.

Even more interesting is that this one was featured at the Stockholm Film Festival, how much did they have to drink? I mean, I watched this one without being fully awake and I'm still getting flashbacks, but I couldn't resist watching it a second time. I think something is wrong with me...

From the official film festival description, here's a rundown of what this bit of crazy is all about:
"Gothic lolita fashion enthusiast Yumeko Ayukawa, nicknamed Dameko, possesses the ability to merge with her talking pink teddy bear Buusuke to form Nuigulumar, a sexy leather-clad superheroine. Using her furry nunchucks, she must battle evil villain Takeshi, his psychic subordinate Kill Billy and a horde of 109 zombies, the highest number of the undead ever seen in a Japanese film.

Based on the works (both a novel and a song) of Kenji Ohtsuki, a popular musician in the Japanese subculture known as 'otaku', 'Nuigulumar Z' revels in director Iguchi's brand of twisted B-movie hysteria. Although it may not include his usual penchant for toilet humor, homicidal sushi and robotic geishas, the film doesn't skimp on his trademark gore, this time incorporating copious special effects in a particular homage to Japanese 'tokusatsu' (special effect) films and TV series."
So, there ya have it. I'm sure this one will eventually get watched around here once it comes out in late January, it's too crazy not to and we did watch Tokyo Gore Police after all. If and when we do get around to it, I'll be sure to let you know what we thought.

Until next out for zombies and possessed teddy bears...

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