Monday, November 11, 2013

[Anime] Kill la Kill - First Impressions

Well, with all the hype around this one it was inevitable that I'd end up having something so say about it. That and after 6 episodes, definitely have gotten a feel for what this one just may be all about, unless there's a major shift in the formula. At this point, though, I think it's safe to say there won't be...

So far it seems to be that the show is pulling from the same idea that Panty and Stocking had. Toss in a bit of crazy and fight the baddie of the week. I'm not saying that's a bad one, but for a show that could have a lot more going for it...kinda disappointing to be honest.

The concept is a bit strange, in that a high school runs the entire town and you're level within the school dictates where you live in the town as well. That said, most folks live in the slums where a good bit of things happen and where we find our heroine, Ryuko, living with Mako and her family of loveable degenerates. (I do mean that in the nicest way possible.) Of course she's hell bent on finding out who laid waste to her family home and father as well, I mean what's a story about revenge without some daddy issues? Oh and a possessed school uniform...can't forget that bit. Yeah, it really is insane...

Personally it seems like they could do a lot more with this one and they might, but again, I'm really not banking on it. Don't get me wrong here though, I do enjoy a bit of crazy and the comedy that's tossed in is definitely good. I mean Mako is Azumanga levels of special. I guess that with the entire plot pretty much revealed completely in the first couple of episodes, there isn't much in the way of surprises waiting. (Well, other than whatever Aikuro is going to do to get naked next.) We know the ultimate outcome, unless for some reason Ryuko and Satsuki somehow are related or something like that. Even then, any real twist is pretty much going to be guessed by many at this point.

Overall, I'm enjoying this one and the animation style is great so far...reminds me of the days of VHS copies that you had to wait months for or were so worn that they barely played. Most might think that's low rent, but it's nice to see a little throwback every now and then too. So, for now I'll be keeping it in the watch file and can't wait to see what the next round of crazy is...

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