Friday, February 7, 2014

[Jrock] Gacharic Spin and Lolita Dark to play Tekko 14!

Pittsburgh's premiere anime convention, Tekko, has been known for great musical acts over the past decade and jokingly known as the "Anime Convention with a Music Addiction". They've always striven to bring the unique and different along with more well known acts to attendees straight from Japan. This year is no exception to that as they have lined up two more interesting and great acts in Gacharic Spin and Lolita Dark to headline this year's convention.

From what I can tell this will be Gacharic Spin's second appearance in the US, although they have toured Europe and Japan extensively since their formation in 2009. Their name coming from clattering (“gacha-gacha”) personalities and high-energy performance style.

Personally, I like to think that it may also describe how they've come together too, band members are from a wide variety of former bands and other projects as well.

Many of you may know them from DOLL$BOX and many other projects as they seem to have come together via some crazy mismashed music fueled experiment and Gacharic Spin was the result. If that's how that kinda thing works, it should happen more often!

Lolita Dark on the other hand is a strange East meets West fusion of Southern California and Japan. Founded in 2011, they've already been making waves and Tekko 14 is just one of several upcoming convention appearances for them.

Their single,“Mad Times”, has been chosen for the in-production Steampunk web series “Tinker”. “Wounded Angel”, their recently released song has also become the official theme song for Anime California 2014. Their second album, “Queen’s Decade”, will be released this spring, shortly before they perform at Zenkaikon 2014 as well as open for Gacharic Spin at this year's Tekko!

Last year Team Tekko knocked it out of the park with the Dazzle Vision and CANTOY double punch, both really brought their A-game and their performances were great. I have no doubt that this year's performances will be just as good and amazing to witness once again.

Curious for a little sample of what to expect? Check the videos after the jump and if you're looking to find out more of the history of each of these bands, hit up Tekko 14's official Musical Guests page!

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