Thursday, July 9, 2015

[Furry] Anthrocon - The Furvasion Begins

Well, today marks the start of Anthrocon 2015 in Pittsburgh and for once, we're not actually there on the first day! Lots of reasons for that, but myself and +Carrie H.C. will be there on Friday and covering everything that we can get our grubby little paws on between then and Sunday. In the meantime, there's a lot of interesting changes that are coming to this year's event.

The most notable? The new parade route that, for the first time, will bring the fursuit parade outside for anyone to come and watch! It's an interesting move, and one that I think is definitely over due for happening.

I know a lot of the fandom was a little hesitant on this one, but I really think it's a great move by the Anthrocon staff for this year. Not only that, but it's not a mandatory thing either, which is definitely a pretty cool thing. So, those that don't want to go "down and out" can hop off at an earlier before the trek downstairs.

That's not until Saturday though, there's a lot more to get through until then. Since I won't be there, it also gives the opportunity to check out something that usually would be not on the radar at all too.

That being the live streaming of events from the Main Events room. Since we're normally at the convention, we don't get the chance to check out the live stream. So, this year you can expect a little write up about that as well. If you don't know about it, you can check it out as well at 

Other than that? Not much else going on with things. Well, there will be a lot going on in a few hours at the DLCC and surrounding area in Pittsburgh but not so much for us here. As usual, once we do get set to leave, I'll be posting up all the info on how to follow along with the insanity live.

Until then, keep safe and kick ass!

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