Saturday, September 3, 2016

[Haunts] Haunted Hills Estate Announces All New Attractions for Their 13th Year of Fear

Just a short while ago, the folks at Haunted Hills Estate revealed their plans for 2016, and it's definitely interesting to see that they've revamped the place entirely. With under two weeks until they open, it seems as if they're looking to take things up a notch with Legends Hotel, the Twisted Nightmare escape room, and what looks to be a revamped Cursed Challenge Trail.

Just what do each have in store for those brave enough to wander onto grounds of Haunted Hills Estate? Let's take a look at the announcement trailer that was just put out!

Now then, onto the meat of the matter...

First up, Legends Hotel

"Ding, dong! Check your bags with the creepy bellhop, and enter the eerie Legends Hotel. Serial killers from around the world are all checked in, and they anxiously await your arrival.

If you make it to check out time, stop by the souvenir shop where the sales clerk takes body parts on trade for that unique gift for grandma."

Okay, hotel themes are nothing that new but it's been a long time since I've seen a new one and from the sounds of things they're going to have a lot of fun with this. It'll be interesting to see just how they go about converting the space into something that's believable as a hotel though, always the tricky bit.

Next, Twisted Nightmare Escape Room

"Step on up! Take your chances! A prize every time! IF you stay alive! Jinxie the Clown is sound asleep, but his alarm is set to go off soon. Can you and your circus troupe turn off the alarm before Jinxie awakes? Be wary! This clown is a killer, and doesn’t like strangers. Once the alarm is off, it’s time to escape Jinxie’s chamber or risk being his next victim!"

Never afraid to try new things, this definitely sounds different than your typical escape room. From the feeling I get here, you have two chances of survival. One, actually not waking Jinxie up and the other, making it out alive if you do. Either way, sounds like a helluva interesting time.

And last, the Curse Challenge Trail

"Long ago, malevolent witches cast a curse over these shadowy woods. It is up to you to break this wicked curse! As you journey along the ominous trail, you must combine instinct and wit along with your Curse card to defeat the witches! Challenges await you! The more challenges you complete, the closer you come to dissolving the curse. Grab a broom, and fly into The Curse Challenge Trail!"

I admit, I have a love/hate relationship with the Challenge Trail here. The only time that it was ever attempted, our group was horrible and it was taking way too long. Ever since it's been something that we've avoided during our visits. However, hopefully things have smoothed out a bit and it doesn't take forever and a day to complete.

This year's Haunted Hills Estate opens on September 16th, and you can find out more info as well as snag tickets on their official website. Stay tuned for our trip out this year during Haunt Tour 2016 too!

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