Thursday, February 19, 2015

[Graveside Chat] So, Just What is Haunting?

I've been sitting on this one for a while, it's a little more personal than some of the other chats that I've done here too. Maybe that's why, I'm not 100% sure on that one. Either way, here's a little glimpse into, well what makes us, us around here.

It's been a long time since another haunt season has come to a close. However, this year is already ramping up with several special event haunts out there during the spring and summer. Not to mention all the building and prep work that starts right around now for most folks too.

The heart of haunt season is a wild two months and there's always quite a lot of news and chaos from all over the place, even a few surprises and weirdness that catches us all and leaves us scratching our heads in the process too. It's never really "over" for some of us too, sure for most they pack things away and that's that but for the rest of us? This is a year round thing filled with trials, triumphs and all matter of other insanity. Sure, we all love it but like any art, we do suffer for it in a lot of ways too.

Now on a bit of a personal note, it's been a few years since either myself, or Carrie, has worked in haunt and we definitely do miss it. After spending as much time as we have, nearly 40 years combined, it kinda grows on ya somewhat, to say the least. However, the past few years we've taken to the road and hit up reviewing them. Which, sometimes leaves us wondering if it's just easier to just abuse ourselves working in them directly, given how insane doing our Haunt Tours really can get. Most would think that's that for us as well, but it's not.

The big reason we do it, to bring an honest look at the attractions that are out there by actually seeing the hard work and months of planning come to life with our own eyes, meet the creative maniacs behind them, and not just letting the public rely on some list that people pay to get on or anything like that. Yes, those actually exist out there. For better or worse they're a thing that's real, and for us that's bothersome as it's not exactly a good way to go about things at all in our eyes, but that's another topic for another time entirely.

That brings up the other reason we do what we do and it's one that many we know in the business already know about us, and now you do as well from what I've talked about above somewhat. That's the fact that; very much like those who run, build and act in these attractions, we're haunters ourselves and want to bring a more in depth look at an event from that angle of things. Before, when we were working them, that was impossible for us since when you're doing just that, it's kind of hard because you're at your own place or building it instead of getting out there. Sometimes it happens, but not the scope we try to do every year. Anyway, with all of that said, it kind of brings up this edition of the Graveside Chat.

Just what is Haunting and what does it mean to those of us who do it?

That's tricky to answer and there's a ton of good articles out there already in many places on the topic, so let's add another to the pile shall we? For starters, I can tell you what it isn't for sure. It's not something you can teach, it's not even something that you can just say you "get", as it's not like that. Sure, you can learn new things and ways of doing things, but the essence of the whole thing isn't really teachable from what I've seen out there. There's something about it deep down, and I've always said that haunters aren't made, they're born.

Haunting is something that you either get, or you don't, it's just that simple. Sure, some folks out there may get it and never work in a haunt, but those are few and far between. Though, even then, you'll never truly understand or know what's going on, or what it takes to lumber out of bed covered in bruises, your voice destroyed from the past few nights, and the joys of black snot until you've been in the trenches. All of that just to get out there in the cold, the heat and get back into the trenches every night during the season. You have to love it to go through it all.

Months, sometimes even years, of work go into these places and through sharing information and inspiration, the hundreds and thousands of dollars being spent, sleepless nights, and more, the worlds you see in impressive yard displays, unforgettable characters, and the immersive home and professional haunts come to life from it all. It's not even a question of doing, it's a lifestyle for some  folks out there.

Constantly trying to improve upon their talents and skills to bring you the ultimate atmosphere and the craziest scare possible. There's no shortage of ingenuity either, the stuff that they come up with is truly amazing and it never seems to end. Around every corner, something new and wondrous to behold. From dumpster and garage sale finds that have been re-purposed to completely original works, it's all pretty unbelievable stuff. However, none of that happens without the drive and desire to share this holiday as they do.

Haunting is many things to many people. It may be an art, a cathartic release, a way to make the holiday more immersive and life like for everyone that's involved or any combination of them and more I'm not even mentioning. It's a way to push not only our own limits of creativity, but also those of the public and what they can handle. To bring screams, laughter, tears and maybe a few other bodily functions to the people who enjoy our creations. There's so much to it that there could be a series of articles just on the topic itself, and I'll likely revisit it again the future to see what other tidbits and thoughts are out there as well. 

So, as part of this whole line of thought, I went to the folks from the awesome Haunters Hangout group on Facebook and asked them, "What is haunting to you and why do you love it?". The responses were overwhelming and even got some more personal stories out of it as well. Many of them really hit me as the reasons that I love doing this stuff too. Of course, it's no surprise that many of the answers mirrored one another in some way or another as well. There were quite a few standouts though, and here's some of my personal favorites from the ton of replies that I received.

James Wilson - It's the sense of wonder seen in a child's face when they look at my creations, and knowing that I've given them a good memory of the holiday.

Will Shadday - really for me its the joy of seeing people enjoy what we have spent so much time effort and hard work into at our haunt we work all year for this and its awesome to see and hear the screams, laughter and per joy makes us feel great

Cheryl Crump - I do it for the joy I get out of people seeing my display... for the crying kids that get spooked and the older kids that just love it all... Not to mention Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and has been since I was a kid. Just love the energy during this time of year.

Logan Kees - For artists and builders I think this is a field where you can really shake free and do something amazing without regard to "appropriateness". For the actors, what starts out as gleeful mischief making, turns into an adictive power rush, the first time you take down some thug twice your size.

Stacy Boatman - We run a community haunt. For me, it's 2 things. I am an interior designer by trade so I love the decor end of it - in a world where everyone wants shades of tan and beige, to design a set with cobwebs and light vortexes and clowns with machetes, it's so much more fun and I can let my creativity run wild without having to answer to anyone. Secondly, it's immediate gratification. You're not working on a project that you might hear feedback from ten years down the road from a source here and there. If you do good, you hear it that night. It's a sense of pride and accomplishment you don't get with anything else. Halloween is where you can take things to the extreme and it's accepted. You don't get that with birthday parties!

Tiffany Steele - Creativity, sense of family, scare factor, confronting fears, learning to live with disappointment. Just a few things that popped into my head when you asked what Halloween means to me.

Arthur Brill - It is a combination of being able to use interdisciplinary skill sets, and doing something that evokes a strong emotional response from the audience. Creating a unique experience that people will remember the rest of their lives.

Darlene Bobich Patrick - I have been working with haunted houses since 1979. For me, I do it for a few reasons, i love the art, i love to scre people, I want them to feel alive! there is no way to feel more alive, than when you feel close to death.

Stephanie J. Bergeron - My Dad used to set up the garage kids came for years and years. Now I am doing the same. Making awesome memories for generations to come. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!
Jason Panic - Haunting is creating something awesome that others will remember. Whether it's an experience or an atmosphere, dread or awe. If the reaction received is what I was looking for, than I have done my job. If I have fun, the patron will have fun.
And these last two, just wow. They could almost be articles about the subject in and of their own right. So, here they are in their entirety. 
Wanda G Peeker - Haunting to me is to recreate the sense of the macabre and eerie atmosphere. The type of place that lives on in children's memories as the most scariest and yet alluring place that they just had to build up their courage to face, 'next year'! To bring back the classic creepy that we all remember and love so much and to touch on that place deep within our brains of each of our own unique fears and pulse it right there, holding it for a moment in that perfect wicked ambiance that sends chills running up and down your spine. To create, that kind of scary haunt enhanced by our own minds so it may live on forever in our memories, passed down to our children in turn. I love it so much to be able to create that and to see children face their fears each year just for some candy. To later take that and say, I did it, I went into that spooky place or remember that spooky place that one Halloween? I finally made it thru and man was it scary! And they take that courage and use it in all parts of their lives. If they were able to face their darkest fears and yet come out with that bag of candy, there is nothing out there that will stop them from doing or being what they want!

Janice Tremeear-Pestana - Home Haunter and horror author; I've always loved Halloween and remember Trick or Treating in my St. Louis suburb neighborhood as a kid , the thrill of walking down the street dressed as someone besides my normal, day-to-day self was exciting and all the Halloween displays were creative, scary and beckoned to a part of me that, even as a child, stemmed from a primordial need for the mysterious and magical things we so often miss in life. What kid doesn't dream of being a princess or child wizard or even a monster, someone who can do amazing things that we can't? Our ancestors gathered around bonfires and home hearths to weave tales of magic and intrigue, of creatures both beautiful and dangerous to explain the unknown things of nature or to keep children from wandering about in unsafe situations. The original fairy tales were often grim and brutal, not the--here comes the knight in shining armor, wildlife singing, watered down Disney spoonfuls of sugar we are used to in modern society. When we take part in a haunted attraction our bodies release chemical- endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline-that make us experience a wide awake feeling, like the 'fight or flight' that kept us safe in times past. Halloween is just plain fun, you can dress up, let your creativity shine in your costumes and makeup, or build props for your own haunt and not be governed by any multimillion dollar corporation or politics that tell you this isn't allowed, or you can't do that. Halloween gives us all a bit of freedom from the norm and it IS a time when communities can come together and celebrate. Entire families can build their haunted yards, get the kids involved with activities, and parents can accompany their kids as they go door to door and watch the thrills, squeals and laughter that comes from a scare that startles, and yet allows us to face our fears in the safety of an controlled but scary environment.
As you can see, Haunting and what we do every year brings joy and fulfillment not only to those who experience what we create for them, but also ourselves. Whether it's a sense of bringing a magical world to life, trying to capture and build memories for future generations, or just scaring the living crap out of your friends and neighbors, it all counts. From small yard haunts, to full blown haunted attractions in our homes to huge productions like Halloween Horror Nights and others, it all boils down to the same thing in the end.

We are Haunters. Our blood, our sweat and our tears go into creating wild and vivid worlds for all ages to come and enjoy throughout the Halloween season. There's nothing like it out there and I'll be honest in saying, I'm proud to say that I've not only worked in the professional end of this, but also the homegrown way that so many others do as well. It's a special little club of insanity and that's pretty awesome to be a part of.

Thank you to all of you out there, whether you have a budget of $100, $100,000 or even $1,000,000 (don't we all wish), are new to things or a seasoned pro, keep doing what you do and never pull back. Without you, Halloween is just a shell of itself. Our hats are off to you.

Now, there's only 253 days til Halloween (don't panic too much) and I can't wait to see and experience what everyone does this year!

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