Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[Haunts]/Two New Mazes at Alton Towers Scarefest!

Another entry to the Haunts Around the World series that seems to just keep going on forever around here...

This time we're headed "across the pond" to one of the most insane amusement parks on the planet to take a look at what's coming to Alton Towers for this year's Halloween Scarefest!

This year the event will run from Oct 3rd-Nov 3rd and boasts 4 mazes and a single scare zone (that I can tell at least or that their site is mentioning). That's in addition to the park staying open late for night rights on some of their truly mental creations.

While that may seem paltry compared to the offerings that we get here in the states, it's not that bad. Not when you consider that their prices are pretty cheap and they have world class coasters like Oblivion and The Smiler.

So, what do the insane creators of Horror Fest have in store for us this year? As always, look no further, we got ya covered. Let's start with what's new for this year's event...
(pardon the odd spacing, but their site didn't exactly give a lot to work with)

Is life a burden? Are things getting you down? Lost your smile?

Then check yourself in for a refreshing check up at The Sanctuary.

Book your appointment, get yourself comfortable as the Doctor will see you now.

Wasting no time and not missing an opportunity to tie in the twisted back story behind their world record breaking coaster, The Smiler, they've gone and added this little gem into the mix. I love that they've tied this in with the whole ride story as well, don't see that too often and it's refreeshing. Going to bet it's going to be very trippy and surreal as hell inside. I mean what else you would you expect from a park that builds a coaster with 14 inversions?!

Okay, this one is just called "Scare Rooms" and I'm not exactly sure what's going on with this. The folks at Alton Towers haven't deemed anyone worthy of knowing just yet.

Some kind of traditional setting for a house? Could be...maybe something else entirely, but it's something new and different. We like that around here. Once we get an actual summary of what this is supposed to be, I'll make sure to update it here!

Now onto the returning mazes and scare-zones for this year...

A travelling funhouse invites guests to venture inside. But who is the terrifying stranger who lurks in the shadows? What happens to those guests who enter, but never come out the other side? 

Dare you brave the twisted terror and disorientating illusions hidden within The Carnival of Screams? 

Remember…nothing is as it seems!

Ah, yes...the old carnival of evil routine. This one's been around a while from what I've been able to find, but they say that bad habits die's to hoping the eventually retire this one or update it into a new take on things in the future. For now, it'll do.

Uncover a dark and horrifying secret, hidden for centuries. It is said that Vampires infest the Towers and hunt the living. 

Dare you brave the rubble and hazards of the ruins and uncover the horrific chilling terror that lies within?

Ah, the good old vampire haunt. What's Halloween without the sexy blood suckers being around? (wait, was that my outdoor voice?) Either way, Terror of the Towers makes a comeback for this year as well. I'm going to guess they've made a few updates here, but having never been before, I can't really say. This is just an informative piece after all...I think, well, maybe.

An abandoned road holds a terrifying secret. There are rumours that the un-dead are walking the earth.

Brave your way through this post-apocalyptic nightmare and pray you make it to the other side

Yep, the "zombie syphilis" is back...can't have a haunt without these things it seems and well, who doesn't love a good zombie anyway? That said, if there's going to be zombies anywhere...I guess the UK would have to be up there on the list. I just wonder if they'll be the fast 28 Days Later, ragey types or the slower Romero kind. Guess I'll have to wait and see what other folks have to say about...

So, there ya have it, everything that we know about for this year's Horror Fest at Alton Towers. Looks like a pretty good line up for this year and it's nice to see they're adding in some fresh ideas and not just staying stagnant. I've always hated when that kind of things happens, then to argue with a park that has one of these?

As always, check out the official site for Alton Towers for ticket, hours and more!

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