Monday, August 19, 2013

[HHN23]/Universal Orlando to Reveal Resident Evil on the 29th?

Well with #HHNRevealWeek behind us now, there's a whole new load of rumors to deal with surrounding Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando. An 8th house would be a very welcome addition to the line up and certainly help spread the lines out a bit more, that's for sure. That said, there's quite a bit unknown about this and there's definitely a lot of speculation.

Mike Aiello and the rest of the nightmare fuel engineers down at Universal Orlando are definitely good at giving folks a surprise or two over the past decade, but just what exactly that is entirely a mystery at this point for sure. They're amazing at bringing everything from video games to movies and TV shows to life as well as some truly stunning original concepts. So, what could this next house be? I guess only time will tell...but here's what we do know and why I think I know it...

As you can see there, the official website already has running across it's announcement ticker than there will be an 8th house. So that's pretty much confirmed and there's no reason to think that there won't be one. With that out of the way we can get to speculating a bit and seeing just what exactly this final house could be...

UPDATE 8/28: News that this is all but confirmed right here! 
At the end of the week long midnight announcements, a rather straight forward tweet was made by the official HHN Orlando Twitter account stating the following:

Shortly after this statement was made, the tweet was deleted and no explanation was given at all for this. Personally that feels like something was said that shouldn't have been, one of the downsides (or upsides for folks like me and you) of social media these days. Pretty much shows that the announcement will be at the end of the month. Will that change due to this? Hard to say exactly...but it's very possible they could shift the date, but with as much buzz going around about it now maybe they keep it too. Would make sense....

So, what could this final house be? Well, it certainly could be an all original house or some other kind of experience like an "alone" house or some such that Universal has cooked up, but if the chatter on the internet is to be believed (and so far it's been pretty spot on) it's going to be something very big. How big? Well...Resident Evil kind of big.

Now, I know what you're thinking, a video game? Well, that's not entirely true. Last year Universal had a Silent Hill themed maze but what most people forget is that like Resident Evil, Silent Hill also had two movies made. In the case of Resident Evil it's had 5 feature films so far, a 6th one in the works and two animated films as well. That's a ton of property there, not to mention all the games. As you can see it can work and it wouldn't really be a "video game" IP either, not by a long shot.

What evidence is there? Well, it's not exactly concrete but it would seem there's a good bit out there. First up? Many are saying that the cabin shown in one of the recent EvilTakesRoot blog videos looks extremely similar to one that's in one of the Resident Evil games...

While not exact, it does seem a bit close in a few ways. Though, I think they could be stretching the matter a bit to see what they want. That said, there are some striking similarities iwth the wood piles and overall layout but there's a lot that's missing here as well. So, while I think it would be awesome, I'm just not sure based on that evidence alone.

But wait...There's more! One video floating around out there has pretty much hit on every single maze for this year so far and in it, shows images from the original Resident Evil video game. This video was posted way back in May and does hit on a lot of things that has come to be true. So, I'll let you decide if you think it's enough to prove what's coming next...

That definitely has a bit more credence, especially since it was uploaded quite a long time ago and has been extremely accurate to date. Could Resident Evil make an appearance for this year? I'm still not entirely sold on this, but it would be insanely awesome if it did. The fact that Universal Studios Japan just got an attraction based on the IP could be a sign that it's headed to the US as well but in a much bigger way.

UPDATE 8/26: This was just released from the @HorrorNightsORL Twitter account:

This definitely sounds zombie like, I just wonder if we'll need an umbrella to help with the problem...the only other movie that comes to mind at all is Doomsday, but I don't think that one was anywhere big enough for Universal to go after for HHN. Then again...ya never know, right?

UPDATE 8/27: This is the latest blurry pic to be released via Twitter...

Definitely looks like it could be Jill Valentine from Resident Evil there...the colors at least match up with the STARS uniforms in the game and movies. We'll just have to wait and see though...

As always check the Universal Orlando official Halloween Horror Nights website for everything ya need (or our own mega post with tons more info and behind the scenes stuff) and of course you can follow me on Twitter @KitsuneHazard and Google+ for all the latest updates!

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