Thursday, June 19, 2014

[Haunts] Hundred Acres Manor Teases Interactive Zombie Attraction for 2014

Yet another Western PA haunt is getting in on the nightmare fuel train early this years. This time it's Hundred Acres Manor in Bethel Park, PA. Last year they managed to end up in a tie for our Best Haunted Attraction award and it looks like they're trying to hold onto that title this year.

According to their announcement on Facebook, "Hundred Acres Manor returns this fall with one of the most over the top attractions Pittsburgh has ever seen." Definitely going a lofty claim to be making with some of the other haunts around.

So, just what is this? Well, for all intensive purposes this looks like some kind of interactive zombie paintball kind of attraction. The picture below pretty much gives that much away at this point. However, how exactly it's going to work is still a mystery. Zombie Paintball attractions have been on the rise over the past couple of years and it'll be interesting to see what Hundred Acres does to put their own stamp on things in this arena. I mean, this is Pittsburgh, home of the zombie after all.

Here's what they have to say (even if it isn't much) about the attraction,
"You will come face-to-face with blood hungry zombies just waiting to rip you apart limb-by-limb. Don't worry, you will be armed, and it's your job to lead your team through this new attraction while being attacked zombies. The saying "no man left behind" doesn't apply anymore. Kill or be eaten."

Stay tuned for more updates to this and remember, follow along with us on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and even if Facebook (if you must) for all the latest news from Haunted Attractions this year!

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