Wednesday, December 31, 2014

[Site Update] Happy New Year and a Look to 2015!

Well, it's time to close out another year and it's been a pretty wild one around here. Not only has there been a lot of trips made with our sister site, InSanity lurks Inside, but this year's Haunt Tour took us to some new areas as well. Of course, can't forget the first half of the year that was still filled with covering a bunch of conventions in the US and Canada again on top of traveling out to California.

One thing that happened as a little decrease in our convention coverage, but with so many other trips going on during the time we do them, that was unavoidable really. We don't really get paid to do this after all and there's only so much we can do. That said, we'll still be covering conventions in 2015 and are even returning to a few that we missed in the past year too. Definitely going to be interesting and can't wait to share the experience with you all.

Before I get into things too much, just want to say thank you to everyone on staff here. Without +Carrie H.C., +Alexandra F and even +Madeline Actrice at times, things just wouldn't be possible. They not only help keep me somewhat sane, but help fuel the fire in my insanity riddled brain. You all are awesome and thanks so much for everything that you do! This past year was the best ever for us and I'm really looking forward to making the next one even more insane.

2014's been a pretty interesting time, full of weird moment and even stranger experiences, and while a few things fell a little short with some things, like Haunt Tour 2014, as illness and other things crept up on myself and everyone here but those things happen. Next year we're looking forward to making it out to even more places and making a return to Florida to not only check out Halloween Horror Nights and Howl-O-Scream, but a few of the local independent haunts as well. 

There's a couple of other conventions that we'll be going to that aren't your typical anime or pop-culture events also. In the next year we plan to hit up not only TransWorld Haunted Attraction and Halloween Show, but also Midwest Haunters Convention as well as a return to National Haunters Convention too. Why? Because we want to and you really gotta see some of the stuff that's shown off at them. Who knows, could wake up the inner haunter in you too!

Yes, that's a lot of haunt stuff for sure, but it's an interesting and unique thing that we've wanted to focus on more...which is probably pretty obvious from how things have gone so far this year. The Haunt Attraction industry has really started to take off into an all year thing and covering it is a big part of what we do here. So, expect to see even more of that stuff alongside everything else. 

Don't fret too much though as right now it's looking like we will, or are likely to be attending quite a few "regular" conventions too; Ohayocon, Tekko, Costume Con, Anime North, Colossalcon, Anthrocon and maybe even a couple more if we can find the time between everything else.

On top of that, we'll be working on picking up the slack with anime reviews, more cosplay features, Furry news and even stuff from Japan as well. 2014 saw a drop in that, but definitely going to pick up the pace in the new year and hope that everyone that reads regularly sticks around for what we have in store for ya. It's gonna get really interesting and quickly around here, so keep an eye out for some new things as we expand coverage to new events and share some of that in new ways. More videos, more pictures and even a new look to the site is all in the works too.

It's gonna be a fun one and, again, thanks to all of you out there who enjoy our reviews, stories and other randomness and looking forward to making things even better over the course of 2015!

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