Friday, October 23, 2015

[Haunt Tour] Behind the Scenes - Out of Gas...Almost

Well, the past couple of weeks have been a little odd as far as this year's Haunt Tour goes. Some of it by design, some of it not. As I've said before, we never really know what to expect each year that we do this whole thing, and sometimes things just don't go as we planned.

This past weekend, we had hoped to get to a number of places but things like real life work and some stupidly cold temps derailed that one that entirely. Sure, I know you're probably thinking "Why not just go anyway?" And, it's hard to argue. However, when the temperatures drop below 30, not really great for haunt stuff, at all. Sure, places are indoors, but many are not and the ones we had slated for last weekend were indoor/outdoor affairs and just not going to deal with that. I've already talked about "Haunt Plague", and we really didn't want to go down that route.

The other issue, we do not get paid for this. Not a lick. Sure, we could fill the page with ads and all kinds of things but no one wants that. That means that we rely on just whatever we can finance for things and those who support us via Patreon for the content we provide. As I've said a few other times, it's expensive to do what we do and cover the travel involved to continue to find more and more attractions. Luckily, living in area that is super dense with haunts makes that easier, mostly.

So, right now we're still sitting at 9 haunts visited this year. There are a few more coming this weekend and throughout the week leading up to Halloween. We'll also probably get to a couple Halloween weekend as well. So, things aren't too out of the ordinary there. Also going to be trying to get to some places after that as well. With more haunts extending the season beyond Halloween, makes it a little easier to get in a few more.

In the end, it's looking like we'll be getting to about the same number as we have every year, which is about half of what we intend. Huge apologies to the places further out, we'd love to get there but I just don't see it happening again this year. Hopefully next year, right?

The tl;dr of the situation, we're a bit down, but not out. Stay tuned as more Haunt Tour is coming soon!

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