Saturday, October 31, 2015

[Haunt Tour] Behind the Scenes - Happy Halloween!

Hard to believe that we're already at Halloween. Not going to be long on this one, just a little brief update. With so much going on out there this year, things just blew by. This year's Haunt Tour has its shares of ups and down and we likely won't be getting to as many haunts as we had planned to. That's not exactly a bad thing, just means that next year we'll have to try a little harder and hope the weather gives us a few more breaks.

That said, we did get to Castle Blood last night, and if you're in the Pittsburgh area, you definitely should try and get out to see them tonight! Yes, a bit short notice, but this year's tour is something special and +Carrie H.C., +Filip Muncan, and myself enjoyed the hell out of it.

We are going to try and hit up a couple places tonight, if we can, and then likely tomorrow as well. There is the matter of a few lights out/special nights coming up in November as well that we'll be going to so definitely stay tuned there as we're not quite done yet.

So, like I said, gonna keep it short and wrap things up here. It's been a fun ride this year, and while a few things worked, and some others didn't, I hope that it's been something interesting for everyone that's followed along. Going to get the last few video reviews up here shortly along with a few more reviews and that'll be that. So, keep an eye out....more to come from Haunt Tour 2015!

For every haunt we didn't get to this year, or won't be, we hope you've all had a great season and knock 'em dead until the final bell tolls. Happy Halloween everyone!

Via WhodaGoose on Deviant Art

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