Thursday, March 21, 2013

[Cons]/Anthrocon Snags Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon

Photo credit: Red Dragon Books
Well, last night I noticed a post on Google+ by +Anthrocon that was announcing their guests of honor for this year. It seems as if they've pulled off a major coup with this one. They have managed to get Mercedes Lackey and her husband Larry Dixon as two of their guests!

Normally this wouldn't seem like such a big deal, but Lackey and Dixon aren't exactly big on convention attendance (especially over the past 10 years or so). The last convention that I remember Lackey attending? Dragon*Con in 1998. While they have recently made statements that they're going to start doing more, they are limiting themselves to one or two at most per year (if that). So, as far as the convention circuit goes? These two are extremely rare to see "out and about". (The last time Larry Dixon was a Furry convention was nearly 20 years ago, just for some perspective.)

So, as you can see the addition of them to Anthrocon was a shocking (and squee inducing moment by Curious Kitty) last night. Still, many people may be wondering what does a fantasy/science fiction writer and an illustrator have to do with Anthrocon? It's true, even one of our friends went "What's a lackey?" For shame...

Well, many of Lackey's works include shape shifting, anthropomorphic characters, dragons and mythical beings as well as several other themes that fall into the Furry fandom as a whole. She's easily one of the most prolific and well loved authors of our time, having written over 200 books and showing no sign of stopping. She has also had very active involvement with the filk music scene (winning 5 Pegasus awards for songwriting) over the years and many Rennies hold her songs close to heart. This bolstered even more due to her past involvement with the SCA (Great Dark Horde for those wondering).
Of her work, she writes, "I try to keep my world as solid and real as possible; people deal with stubborn pumps, bugs in the porridge, and love-lives that refuse to become untangled, right along with invading armies and evil magicians. And I try to make all of my characters, even the 'evil magicians,' something more than flat stereotypes. Even evil magicians get up in the night and look for cookies, sometimes."
Photo Credit: Larry Dixon
On the flip side, Larry Dixon is an extremely accomplished illustrator in his own right. Dubbed "The Gryphon King", his artwork spans everything from the fantastical world of dragons and other mythical creatures to his amazing skill of depicting birds of prey (which has led to a lot of collaboration with the US Military). Some of his most notable works include illustrations for Wizard's of the Coast's Dungeon's & Dragons and his work with, and depiction of, birds of prey even led him to helping out Weta Digital on Lord of the Rings for the giant eagles.

Lackey and Dixon are also extremely active with birds of prey rehabilitation, they have released well over 400 back into the wild together and have a love for falconry and other such activities. Lackey even refers to her parrots as her "feathered children".

And, as if that wasn't enough, in addition to this they are both avid gamers, being major players in the attempt to keep the game City of Heroes alive and well (Lackey, Dixon and his father) from being shut down. From what I can gather Lackey (if not Dixon as well) is a full fledged Browncoat as well.

All of this combined makes them ideal for Anthrocon in my mind as not only have they contributed much to the fandom as a whole in various forms (maybe even sometimes without even knowing it), but they are also very active (or at least fans of) in a great many fandoms. Both of these are things that the Furry community adores and admires in everyone, not just celebrities, but it makes for a perfect storm when they are. Toss in the fact that they have had an impact on so many different genres and groups of people and you've got a winning combo in my eyes.

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