Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[Colossalcon]/Preparations Have Begun!

Yeah, yeah...I know, this isn't until June and here I am yacking away about it. Still, that's only a month away and this is one of our favorite conventions around here. So, if you're not interested in a little personal ramble, just move on. No worries, totally cool, I'm just going off on my own tangent with this one today since I can. (why not, right?)

This year it's looking like Colossalcon is living up to it's name as well, rooms are extremely hard to come by and from what I've gathered from their forums, Facebook and website, it seems that the entire hotel (that's over 900 rooms) is booked up by con goers. People are trying to find any room in the area it seems. Sure, last year was our first year there, but it's easily made into our "must do" list of events every year.

Not only is it one of our favs, but we also take part in hosting our own panel there. Granted it has nothing to do with Kitsuneverse...at all. No, this is the one and only place in 2013 that people will get to experience AlcoBrony Live as we present Bronies Late Night! (Saturday night at Midnight) with the rest of the inebriated crew that is +AlcoBrony. I sit in on things as Vinyl Scratch and CK (InsanitylurksInside) as Queen Chrysalis for that one and it's definitely a crazy ass time as we dive into the history of My Little Pony. This year we're also celebrating the 30th Anniversary of MLP as well, so it should be even more chaotic and strange than last year.

In addition to that, I'll also be sitting in on the ARMPIT Platoon Q&A (a Sgt Frog panel) as well. I'll be doing the part of Giriro for that one (+Madeline Eckhart  will be Keroro as well and we're trying to get CK to drop in on us with a special appearance if possible!), which all adds up to it being entertaining as all hell.

With the panel description booklet being out already (can find it for download here), there's a few panels that I'm looking forward to seeing. One of them being the Give Good Spec panel, run by fellow blogger and friend +Kristina Elyse Butke (check out out her blog here). Might get some pointers on a couple of projects I have stuck in my head, ya never know right? Never hurts to get pointers on things from established writers, eh? There's lots more but that'll be for another post as we get much, much closer so stay tuned!

All in all, it's one of those events where the location, the con itself and the overall atmosphere from things just hits home with a lot of us to make it a really enjoyable time. I mean you've got the insane water park/hotel that is the Kalahari plus Cedar Point nearby, killer rooms _and_ baby tiggers! (Seriously, they have baby tigers you can pet and stuff, how cool?!)

That said, we still have a lot of things to get done around here in the next month as we figure out all the cosplay that we'll be bringing with us and various other things. That doesn't even count the fact that we have a couple of other cons (Anime Central and Anime North) before that which we're planning to attend if everything shakes out right.

Speaking of cosplay, so far it seems like our personal cosplay list will shake out something like this:

Konata (Lucky Star)
Kagami (Luck Star)
Queen Chrysalis (MLP:FiM)
Sprinkles (MLP)
Fizzy (MLP)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
Random Nostromo Crew (Alien)
Maika (Magikano)

Kunika (Strike Witches)
Keiko (Strike Witches)
Kurz Weber (Full Metal Panic!)
Vinyl Scratch (MLP:FiM)
Random Nostromo Crew (Alien)
Ki (Original Character)
Cha-Cha or Kayamba (Monster Hunter TriG)

Not sure if we'll be doing anything else but I know those will be with us for sure in some shape or form. Of course, we could add more or take away a couple too but seeing as how there is plenty of time for a lot of them, I don't see many getting taken away from the list if at all. I'm still pondering doing Leo from VG cats or something completely off the wall too and I know that CK is pondering doing something from Little Witch Academia if the time allow for it, but could be something else entirely too! You'll just have to wait and find out I guess and of course we'll have some of these at other cons later this month as well.

Either way, we're actually really looking forward to being back for this year as we not only get to hang out (in person) with the AlcoBrony crew but this year we get a special treat in that our good friend +Lightning Flash will be there as well (all the way from California!). Top that off with the fact that it's one of the few cons where we can relax a good bit as well as cover the event at the same time and we're golden. I'm not sure if that's because it runs for 4 days (Thurs-Sun) or what, but it's definitely more spread out and relaxing due to that. Interestingly enough, it was the first convention review that I wrote for this site in July 2012.What a long and strange trip it's been since then, eh?

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