Thursday, April 4, 2013

[TekkoX2]/Coverage Info!

So, starting Friday, we'll be on location at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Downtown Pittsburgh

Well, you'll notice that we dropped the [Cons]/ tag off the headline for this and replaced it with [TekkoX2] for the sole purpose that you know which posts are just for this convention. The reason for this is simple, we've been given access to a lot of guests, staff and events so there will be a ton of content showing up starting tomorrow at some point. 

That said, there will be a lot more than what you see here as well. How much more? Well, that's a mystery too but things will be ending up on Twitter, YouTube and Google+ from all of us here. Yep, that's right...the whole staff (I know, I know...there's only four of us, but's the first time that's happened!) will be in one place. No, don't take bets on bail money...(put me in for $50 that we get arrested Sunday night). 

How can you follow along outside of the posts that happen here? Well, here's the info you'll be needin':


+Kitsune Hazard
+Kyle Dunn
+Madeline Eckhart

Kitsune Hazard

So, there ya have it! 

We're looking forward to a great weekend and bringing you all the best coverage of Tekkoshocon we can. So, in the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson...
"Hold onto your butts"

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