Friday, May 17, 2013

[Furry]/A Call to the White House...What?!

Image by: Silverfox057
Okay, I'm sorry but this made me laugh. This all apparently started after Morphicon had wrapped things up on May 5th in Ohio. What exactly the author of this petition is really up to or after, who knows, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they've seen one too many reruns of CSI.

That said...the petition does have 47 signatures. Sure it's a very, very, very long way from the goal of 100,000, I still have to wonder what's going on in their heads. I mean every fandom or circle of geekery has this kind of stuff. We actually spent a good time talking about that with Initial P last month too. Good timing, eh?

So, what's this petition say? Well, here's what the creator is calling for and claiming to know about the Furry fandom at that:

Dear President Obama,
Every year, the furry fandom grows larger and larger. What started out as a group for people who appreciated anthropomorphic art has now grown into a group consisting of mostly zoophiles, or people who fantasize about committing zoophilia.
They also dress up in "fursuits", costumes designed to resemble animals, then they have massive orgies, spreading STDs and bacteria that grows in their sweat-soaked "fur". These same people like to hang around in parks, where children are at, and hug those children.
It won't be long before these people will get tired of role playing as animals, they will go for the real thing. One of these days, they will go for our pets. Please make being a furry illegal before it gets any worse.

What? Really? Hang on a minute, I think I need to reset my brain...good lord. I think the POTUS has a few other things to worry about right now and somehow I don't think Furries are high on his list. Besides...he was at Anthrocon last year, didn't you know?

Overall, I'm just amused by this (and still laughing at that video). So, if you want...feel free to check out the petition yourself and in case you're feeling lazy, here's a screen shot of it. You know, for posterity.


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