Friday, July 19, 2013

[Howl-O-Scream]/#10: The Cannibal Comes to Dinner

Wow, Busch Gardens Tampa really isn't wasting much time with this stuff are they? If this keeps up I just might have to label this week HOS Week around here. Anyway, hot off the heels of the announcement of The Butcher, just yesterday, we now know the 10th evil of "The 13".

#10: The Cannibal. 
Turns out the idea that it would be a chef on my end was very off...on well, win some/lose some.
When Herbert Jeffries visited Fiji, he explored the lush highlands, met some hospitable tribesmen and unknowingly sat for a meal with a unique menu. 
He walked away with an insatiable hunger…Upon returning to the states, he walked away from his architecture practice and became a night watchman at a small New Hampshire morgue - allowing him wholesale access for dining. 
But his tastes have become more refined and he requires ever fresher flesh – sashimi grade, tartar quality. You.

Going to be interesting to see if he's getting his own house or perhaps he's a patron of The Butcher that was announced yesterday. I say that mostly since there's no house attached to the bio page here like there has been for The Voodoo Queen and Butcher so far. We do know that there will be more than 8 houses (including the "alone house" as per last night's report) most likely.

Will they actually go with 13 houses, one for each evil? That would be a bit insane if they did and could possibly lead to some dilution of things...but it would keep lines short for the most part with that many haunts in one place. Also would make it really hard to hit them all in a night if they're of any decent kind of length.

We'll just have to wait and see on that and if anything about a separate house for #10 here is revealed, I'll update this post that when the time comes.

As for now, we know three of The 13 so far and there currently isn't a clue as to what the next door to opened will be or when. Stay tuned for the next bit of nightmare fuel as it's unleashed! 

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