Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[Site Update]/Halfway There!

Image by: Culpeo Fox
Halfway to what...who the hell knows! 

I do know that it's been a really busy past six months around here and the past 6 weeks have been even crazier. Why? Well between Anime North, Colossalcon the ending of the Spring anime season and everything else that I've been doing in cahoots with Carrie over at InSanity Lurks Inside, one has to wonder how the hell any of it got done. To answer that, very carefully. I mean in a four week period we drove nearly 3,000 miles, visited two countries, hit up 4 theme parks, 2 conventions and were barely home. What other answer did you really expect? Click here for past cons!

So, with half the year behind us, it's time to take a look at what else is coming around here I guess. While, not everything that we wanted to accomplish was done, a good bit was. Now, as far as what's to come? Well, expect a slew of anime reviews and first looks to start popping up as the spring season has just ended and the summer season is just getting started.

Though, that's going to have to wait a little bit to come out fully. Why? Well, starting Thursday morning we're back on the road again! This time, much closer to home, only 45minutes down the road to be exact. Where are we headed this time? Anthrocon of course! Yep, it's time for the annual migration of Furries to Pittsburgh and we'll be there cover it all (more on that later).

You can also expect more haunted attraction information out of Universal, Busch Gardens Tampa and Busch Gardens Williamsburg (amongst others) and most likely our last con of the summer in August. We're still not sure if our last will Bronycon in Baltimore, MD or a return to Canada to cover Atomic Lollipop in Toronto. Granted, it does seem like APop will get the nod...just waiting to hear back from both of them before we commit to anything 100%. Either way, it'll be interesting.

That's pretty much it, things will continue but they won't be nearly as hectic as they have been in the past couple of months either. We'd love to do more, but again, this isn't something we get paid for and we have our massive ISIParks/Kitsuneverse 2013 Haunt Tour to look forward to in Sept and October as well. I'll have more details on that as we get closer to the end of summer.

In the meantime, never fear, we'll find something interesting to post up...we think.  So until next time, stay tuned for our Anthrocon coverage!

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