Sunday, August 25, 2013

[Haunts] Thorpe Park and Lionsgate Team Up for Fright Nights

Well, time to get back on the clock here, eh? This time it's Thorpe Park over in Surrey, England making an announcement about this year's Fright Nights! I've been trying to wrap my head around this one for a couple of days now, but the partnership between Lionsgate and Thorpe sounds like it's set to bring some big time franchises into the mix for this year's event.

Why do I say that? Well, their definitely pushing the fact that Lionsgate has made movies like Saw, Cabin in the Woods and My Bloody Valentine pretty hard. I mean, just look at the poster that's advertizing this year's's not hard to read between the lines on this one.

Now, will these be the exact mazes that will be seen or will they mix it up with some of their own past haunts which have been immensely popular? That remains to be seen, but I think it's a safe bet that these are going to be additions to their line up. I can't see them going full out with just one movie studio's films. Though, ya never know...they could. There are quite a few properties that can pull from and not just the few that they've mentioned in the advertising.

We've got You're Next, The Possession, Sinister, The Last Exorcism, Cabin Fever and The Descent...amongst others that could find their way into the mix easily too.

Rumore has it that the line up for this year's event will feature 5 all new mazes and the return of one of their most popular. Those being Cabin in the Woods, Blair Witch Project, You’re Next, My Bloody Valentine and Saw. The 6th maze is said to be the return of The Asylum.

Thorpe Park hasn't announced anything beyond this though, only stating on their Facebook page that they would be doing such soon. Here's to hoping they keep things fresh and original along with whatever comes from this new partnership...

Stay tuned as I bring you the news as it breaks on the details of what to expect at this year's Fright Nights running select nights from October 5th until Nov 3rd! 

You can find more information about Thorpe Park and Fright Nights at their official website.

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