Sunday, January 5, 2014

[Haunts] Horror Never Sleeps for Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 24 Crew

Well, the saying is that "Horror Never Sleeps" and it's no surprise that Universal Orlando is keeping that mantra alive a well. Earlier tonight they posted a picture of the cover page to the working draft for the first maze of Halloween Horror Nights 24 on their Twitter account. Interesting enough, it's dated 12/03/13, so they're likely already deep within the process at this point with this one and we do know that it's a 100% all original theme for it. So there's that at least.

Sure it's only been a couple of months since HHN 23 ended, but that doesn't stop these guys. Makes sense for an event the size of Halloween Horror Nights to already be deep in the planning phases for this year's event. Just didn't expect to see something pop up already! That said, it's a tough business and like many other haunts out there, planning starts this case? Very early. 

No clue what the theme (outside of it being new of course) or anything will be as they've conveniently swirled that bit out from view for all of us. It's likely we'll have to wait quite a while until knowing just what's up their sleeves for this year at that. Either way, we'll be following it to see if any hints or anything do come out down the road, but don't hold your breath on that one.

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