Tuesday, February 10, 2015

[Site Update] Pardon the Dust and Run if You Hear Explosions

Well, things have been way too quiet around here. Not nearly enough updating for my tastes and I'm gonna work on fixing those things here. There's a lot going on in my head right now, so that's partially to blame there on a lot of levels.

One of the biggest things is that I've been wanting to redesign the site a bit and I think I have a pretty good idea of where I want thing to go there, but not 100% sure yet. Either way, it's gonna be interesting. While I don't necessarily hate the layout and design of things right now, it's just not where I want things to be.

Things are a little cluttered here and there, so time to blow up some stuff on the site and get things to where I'd like them. So that means a little layout tweaking and some new images and all that stuff. Always fun to do those kinds of things as ya just never know where it'll end up.

Other than that, been having a little bit of confusion as just to where things are headed. Sure, I cover a lot of things here; Haunted Attractions, Anime, Japanese Culture, Cosplay and do convention coverage. That's a lot of places to have going on in your head at once and I try my best, but there's a lot of places out there doing it better and more efficiently. Not that the goal was to ever be the "best" or number one place in any of those areas, just an alternate view as I write about the things I want to or think are cool or interesting. Well, okay, maybe haunted attractions are the exception there, I do know that end of things better than anything else out there and cover the living crap out of the industry.

That said, some things could get the axe, some things may not and they all could stay. I'm just not sure right now. So, bear with me as things could start getting, and looking, a little funky around here over the next few days or so. Hopefully soon after that more posting happens on a regular basis.

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