Saturday, June 6, 2015

[Haunts] House of Shock to Return in 2015!

As many will remember, House of Shock had previously announced that the 2014 season was their last year and that they'd be closing after 22 seasons. They made quite a big deal of it at the time, but recently they tried to come back using Kickstarter as a platform to facilitate that. Not exactly something that was going to work for them, as it would turn out. They cancelled their campaign close to the end and it looked to fall extremely short of the $25,000 goal that they set for themselves.

However, they did tease an announcement to go along with the Kickstarter cancellation. Now that the time has come, House of Shock will be back for the 2015 season. Additionally, anyone that donated to the Kickstarter campaign will be getting VIP tickets to this year's event as well. So, not bad for the loyal fans out there either!

There's not much in the way of details on this one, but it seems that some angel investor has come around to bail them out of the spot they found themselves in. Just what will the crew behind House of Shock have in store for this year? Hard to say, as "completely new breed of haunted attraction" is pretty vague, but I'll be keeping an eye on this one to see how things progress.

So, as always, stay tuned for more news as it comes from House of Shock right here and of course, can always follow along with the madness on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and even Facebook for all the latest too!

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