Monday, August 17, 2015

[Site Update] Strange Things are Afoot

Press red button or yell sign
I'm gonna guess that you've probably noticed that things around here have changed in the past 24 hours. It's been a crazy process and I'm still not finished with things yet, but it's getting very close to being completed.

Change is good sometimes and this site really needed it, things were okay before but now they're about a million times better. All of this was thanks to a couple of good friends who have been extremely awesome in helping with this project. The difference is quite amazing really, and it's mostly thanks to them for seeing what I was trying to do and making it so I could understand it properly.

So, let's get to the changes. A few things you'll probably notice right off the bat is the color scheme, background, and some of the menu links have changed a bit. That was mostly to get things into a better state of organization so that we all can find things quicker and easier. There's also the annual Haunt Guide content that's made its way back to the forefront once again as well.

Other than that? Mostly cosmetic and quality of life things. There's now a way to easily get back to the top of the page after scrolling through miles of my ramblings, and you'll likely notice that there's a related post section at the bottom of every post. You won't see them on the main page, just when you get the bottom of an article. Figure, it's always nice to see what's happened and with nearly 700 articles, might've missed something along the way!

Oh, right, the elephant in the room has reared it's ugly head once again as well. Haunt Tour 2015 has made it's return to the menu, but I'm not quite at the point of releasing all those details yet. So, you'll just have to wait on that. Big year coming up and +Carrie H.C. and myself are really looking forward to getting back out there again. We're going to be doing things a little differently, but not too much so. I think you'll like it, but all in good time.

There's a lot of other things that I have to get to writing on as well, but things were a bit rough for a while on a few fronts so I really couldn't bring myself around to writing. Thankfully all that seems to be over now, for the most part anyway, so I'm going to try and get some previous content out that I've not taken care of.

Anyway, still a lot of things to get sorted and finalized, but I figured that I'd take a moment and let you know what was going on and why. Hopefully things will continue to improve the site for everyone as times goes on. I've always thought of this as a never ending project, so these changes are unlikely to be the last but probably not too much more for a while yet.

Until next time,

Keep safe, kick ass and's not falling from a 100 story building that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end.

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