Thursday, April 18, 2013

[Gaming]/Monster Hunter Online Hits...China?

Well, the website is pretty...
Yep, that's right. It seems that the juggernaut of a series, Monster Hunter, is headed officially to
China. This isn't overly surprising given that Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is massively popular and it's only via hacked versions for the PSP. So, Capcom bringing it there officially isn't that much of a shocker. Though the way it is, is definitely strange.

Not only is this not a console release, but it's using CryEngine 3. Yep, that's right a full HD Monster Hunter for the PC. The fact that they're not using Unreal Engine 3 for this is a bit surprising, even more so since Tencent Games has put out a ton of money in regards to UE3. Now using a competitor's engine? Just down right weird.

However, looking at things a bit more closely, it seems that much of this is just Monster Hunter Frontier (The Japanese Xbox 360 MMO) being re-branded and added to for the Chinese release. This rings closely to how Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was done for the Wii U worldwide release.

Still, besides the popularity, you have to wonder what Capcom's game is by doing this. Are they preparing something crazy for after Monster Hunter 4? Or, are they just releasing an official game in a place where the series is already hugely popular? The fact that it's PC also kind of makes sense as consoles in China aren't exactly a huge seller (that whole pesky ban on them for many years), PC is king there for the most part.

And in case you're wondering, here's the HD trailer for the game...and if you're still curious, head on over to the official website for more info.

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