Friday, May 3, 2013

[Site Update]/Kitsuneverse HQ!

Well, since this weekend is Cinco de Mayo and also home to our annual BBQ of Doom (aka Feast of Saint BBQ)...articles could be a little light around here til after the weekend. Why? Well...even I need a slight break from time to time. That and 6-10 racks of ribs don't cook themselves after all...

That said, there is definitely a good bit of things coming in the near future. Everything from interviews with Initial P, Tony Oliver and Chii Sakurabi to a few other things I'm cooking up. Yeah, I've been a bit slow getting them out but it is some really cool stuff and I didn't want to rush it. So keep an eye out because they really are definitely interesting!

Outside of that? Well, if you're curious as to where all the planning, writing, anime watching and just about everything else around happens here...look no further! Behold...the Kitsuneverse HQ command center...with included couch full of Novocaine Gnomes (Seriously...they inject it into your ass and you can't get up...that's our story and we're sticking to it!).

Yes, that is Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the screen...and yes CK and I are addicted. We're okay with this.

In case you're wondering what some of this stuff is? I think I can help there. The extremely subtle laptop on the right is mine and that shiny MacBook Pro on the left is CK's, where she does all her stuff for InsanitylurksInside. The wigs on the left too? Well, the blue wig there is CK's for her Konata cosplay and the red is mine for my OC, Ki. (We seriously don't know what else to do with the Konata wig...with how it's styled it's almost impossible to store easily.)With a few cons coming up (Anime Central, Anime North and Colossalcon if everything goes to plan), things will get more chaotic in that big open space for sure too. Wig styling, cosplay mending, building random things and other such insanity will start to happen more and more until you can't see the floor probably.

Behind the wigs? The wall of movies and anime, it's seriously started to get out of control. We're not sure where we're going to put more of them soon either as we've pretty much run out of space. Moving along, if you look very closely you'll be able to see a Dreamcast, N64, Wii U, Wii, PS2, Xbox and Xbox 360 below the massive PS3...sad but we'll get to that eventually I'm sure. Yes, we also have a lot of books, lots and lots of them. CK hordes them, well not so much these days since getting a Kindle, but there's still an impressive amount of the real things on the shelves around here and I don't think that'll be changing any time soon.

Speaking of the TV, we typically watch things simulcasted from either Funimation or Crunchyroll via my laptop hooked in with an HDMI cable. It seems to the work the best and since we don't have XBox Live at the moment, it's pretty much the only option we have really too. It works and while not perfect it gives us our fix of new and older titles that we want to catch up on (or watch again, and again, and again ~.^)

So, there ya have it. Basically, this is where everything during the normal (and not so normal) hours happens. It's not that exciting or anything but I figured I'd share a glimpse into our little world just because I hadn't yet and figured, why not?!

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