Wednesday, April 29, 2015

[Gaming] More Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Questions Arise

Alright, it would seem that Scott Cawthorn is having a bit of fun at everyone's expense, yet again. This time, in the form of the source code of the website.

After the announcement of Five Nights at Freddy's 4: The Final Chapter and it's initial secrets, some curious folks took a look at the site code and started to see a whole bunch of weird gibberish and numbers mixed in with everything. The interesting thing is about this, it's not the first time hints have been done in such a way.

So, let's take another dive into the weird that is the Five Nights at Freddy's lore and see just what we can't uncover, eh?

For starters, if one were to go to the official FNaF website, they would find this (it's since been removed) in the code:

That's a whole lot of  8's and 7's in there. So many that fans are now linking this to the Bite of '87 incident that's mentioned and hinted at in the previous games. Another interesting tidbit to all of this is that when one would search on Google for Scottgames, this would show up:

Once again, a whole lot of those 8's and 7's. Again, could be something but could be nothing at all. It's possible this has something to do with the incident that took place on Nov 13th, 1987, either in the case of the victim or perpetrator of the attack. I'm not entire sold on that theory just yet, but for now let's look at the other bits of weird that have surfaced around this...

Now, with that out of the way, if you really want to go off the rails on this one check this next bit out because it's starting to get really weird out there. While going through things and seeing what theories folks were cooking up, I saw one person out there actually plugged 8788788778 into Google Maps. Why would anyone do this? I have no idea but they did. The results are extremely amusing and quite the head scratcher.

Yep, that's right, the series of numbers in the website name on Google Search turn up none other than, a pizza place in Virginia. Amusingly enough, there are now pictures for the place that feature Five Nights at Freddy's too.

UPDATE: DO NOT CALL OR HARASS THIS RESTAURANT! Look, I won't take the information down as it's already out there in a million places, but don't be a dick here guys, alright? What happened the other day with everything was really screwed up.

Whoever, is uploading them is having a bit of clue who though. Scott under a couple of aliases? Some random fans? Anyone's guess on that one really, though I'm sure the owners are loving the extra publicity from all this. Gotta wonder if it's intentional at all.

Now, things get even crazier here when you look at Family Pizzeria's website. The owner's name? Mike. Seriously, I can't even attempt to make this stuff up anymore at this point. There's so much going on here to try and figure out.

I mean, it seems that either someone went through a ton of time to try and research this for just lore purposes or it's just some crazy coincidence that the first game's protagonist's name is Mike Schmidt and the owner of Family Pizzeria shares the the same first name.

Does it all mean something, is there some weird connection to all of this stuff, or is Scott just having some fun with the fans? No matter how you look at it, it's going to be quite the ride between now and October 31st.

Stay tuned as I'm sure I'll put something more coherent together about all this at some point in the future but for now, be sure to follow along right here or on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and even Facebook for all the latest insanity from Five Nights at Freddy's!

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