Saturday, March 1, 2014

[Furry] Anthro New England: A New Furcon has Appeared!

Seems that there's a new kid on the block in the world of Furry conventions and this one's landed itself right in Cambridge, Mass. Don't worry though, you've got a year to plan for this one as it's not scheduled until Feb 28-March 1 of 2015.  Plenty of time, see?

So far details are, well, sparse as you can imagine, but they already have a couple Guests of Honor lined up in artists Fivel and Vallhund. I'm sure that more will be announced throughout the year, but to have anything a year in advance, pretty impressive and it looks like many are lining up to get featured too!

Now, for those thinking of going, if you act quickly, you can get weekend badges for only $35 as part of their announcement promotion with the FIRSTDAYS code. That's $5 off the regular $40 admission, but you'll have to move on this one since the deal expires on March 2nd. After that they go back up to the regular rate.

However, if you're feeling a bit more generous, or just want the perks, you can always go straight for their Sponsor and Philanthropist badges as well, $85 and $170 (respectively). Each includes your typical perks like early dealers room admittance, priority seating and discounts on con merch. The Philanthropist level will also get you a special dinner with the Guests of Honor (only if you pre-reg) and some extra gifts from the Gusts of Honor themselves.

Anthro New England will be held at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge and rooms are going for $169 a night. For more info and to pre-register, head on over to the official Anthro New England website for all that good stuff and more!

As always, follow along with us on Twitter @KitsuneHazard, Tumblr and of course Google+ for all the latest updates, news and other insanity! Or if you're feeling masochistic, follow us on Facebook as well.

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